A variety of factors within our society prevent equal opportunity. We still live in a racialized society where the color of our skin often determines how we are treated. Many white people do not recognize, or want to recognize that race still significantly impacts lives. Many white people are taught growing up not to think as racial beings, and this may contribute to many denying the privileges that go along with being white. Historically, the goal for equality and opportunity for everyone has not always existed and this has caused a heavy influence on society today. My research focuses on and investigates knowledge and perception on the importance of race, and how denial affects us all.
White privilege is a social relation that benefits white persons over non-white persons. A said advantage enjoyed by persons of a socially privileged class based on the color of their skin.
A racial category, which involves European-Americans and the “invisible norm” (IAW.350) against other racial categories. It’s important to understand white privilege and how it affects society. A lack of understanding and recognition of unearned privilege may lead us to lack a desire to create a diverse atmosphere, and ways we can be more aware. White privilege may affect how we interact with each other and how those who do not share such advantages are affected. Some question, if white privilege still exists, and if it’s that big of a deal. And, if so, how can we work on reducing these effects? The idea of white privilege is said to divide whites and blacks into their own economic categories. While white people are given opportunities and benefits, dark colored skin people may be at a disadvantage to these opportunities and benefits. “Many analysis of white privilege interpret whiteness as an intangible economic good” ( Black Reconstruction in America: W.E.B.
Du Bois.). White privilege is the original form of racism that has