And now we have the melting pot ideology. The melting pot imagines that all cultures can, not only coexist, but borrow from each other and blend together into a colorblind mush. Colorblindness is racism, and often, when people say they don’t see color, what they mean is they only see the absence of it: whiteness. The melting pot ideology also allows others to have claim to other cultures, and it’s not validating to tell mixed people that just because we access multiple cultures, entitled to the same. …show more content…
Mixed race people may face this when we identify with a race they’rewe’re mixed with. For example, instants if you don’t speak the language of what you identify with. This does not invalidate their identity as a mixed individual. Every mixed individual has their own relationship with the cultures they come from.
When someone says that they can’t even tell that you are mixed in a flattering intention, iIt’s not a compliment to erase an aspect of one identity. Even if you mean well, you may be holding onto ideas based in racism, colorism, and white supremacy. Listen to how they speak about themselves, their relationship with their identities, and how they want to be