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II. RESEARCH FINDINGS 2. SQ 1- What are the Puerto Rican Percentages and Regional Population rates in New York? SQ 2- When and Why did the Puerto Ricans come to New York City? SQ 3- What Cultural Holidays and Festivals do they celebrate in East Harlem? SQ 4- What Religion and Customs have the continued from Puerto Rico? SQ 5- What are their main Occupations and Business? SQ 6- Which government agencies/organization have they developed in New York City?
INTRODUCTION This research paper explores the impact of transnational migration on the cultural identities of Puerto Ricans from the Island to the US mainland. In the year 1508, the Spanish arrived in Puerto Rico and began the Spanish colonization of the island. At this time, the island was called Boriquen and was inhabited by an Indian tribe called Tainos. During this process, the Spanish established their way of life on the island while decimating the Tainos in terms of population due to Spanish disease, slavery and oppression. In order to avoid this fate, many Tainos escaped into the hinterland or left the island. Some Tainos mixed with the Spaniards and/or their African slaves through intermarriage. Over the course of time, Spanish became the dominant language of the island. Since the 1950s East Harlem has been dominated by residents of Puerto Rican descent, sometimes called Nuyoricans. Because of its high Puerto Rican and now increasingly large Latino population,