
Who Are Women Smarter Than Men?

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Who Are Women Smarter Than Men?
With my opinionated and outspoken attitude, it’s rarely a good idea for me to get into discussions over politics or social justice issues. These discussions almost always end with someone getting upset or hurt, maybe even physically. This occasion was no different. Oftentimes, you let your anger get the best of you in situations like these, and end up doing things you later regret. It was Valentine’s Day in 8th grade. I was in a particularly good mood because I’d just received a bag full of chocolates and stuffed animals from a friend of mine. It seemed as though nothing in the world could faze me. But before I knew it, the topic of feminism came up. During my years of living in Gladstone, I’ve found there are far more people in this area who …show more content…
I’d learned to hold my tongue around him, since his goal was often just to get me worked up. But his ignorance on this subject was something I couldn’t let go. “Women are obviously dumber than men because we haven’t had a female president yet.” Albert said. “Are you kidding me?” I asked. “No. If women were smarter, we would’ve already had a female president. They’re too emotional and crazy to run a country. If a woman was president, She’d probably start a nuclear war every time she was on her period.” He responded. At this point, I was seeing red. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What century was this? Hadn’t our society somewhat progressed past this kind of thinking? I struggled to keep my composure as I spat out, “Maybe the reason we haven’t had a female president yet is because of the systemic oppression they face from ignorant people like you. We need to stop viewing women as over-emotional and weak if we ever hope to achieve equality. You’re only contributing to the rampant sexism in our society.” Sensing how upset I was, Albert smiled and said,
“I still don’t think a woman could ever be president. That’s just my

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