Mattie Ross is a smart, competent and independent young lady. A person would think she's the average young lady from the western times that stays home to chores, but no not Mattie. Physically, Mattie is a clean cut, clothing neat and in order kinda girl. But when she is able to speak her mind there is no holding back what she thinks. Mattie is on a mission and explains to Stonehill, “I have hopes that the marshals will get him soon, His name is Tom Chaney. He worked for us. I am trying to get action. I aim to see him shot or hanged” (pg 33). She is somewhat of a strange and rare character, being all of 14 years of age yet with such head strong determination to have Chaney killed. Mattie sets off on a bone chilling journey of revenge and is faced with many obstacles that should send her home crying. Instead Mattie’s confidence and abilities to stand her own in such a hostile, male dominated land get her through the daily life-threatening occurrences. Mattie endured plenty of trials and tribulations, there was one point where Mattie recalls “I was so mad I must have cried a little but it was a cold night and by the time I reached the Monarch my anger had cooled to the point where I could think straight and lay plans (Portis).
One of the gritty lawmen is Rooster