Introduction 2
Short Summary 2
Common/different aspects of the paper 2
Conclusions 6
References 7
“Who is an entrepreneur?”
“Who is an entrepreneur?” is a question that aroused many controversies and debates. Among many articles that talks about the entrepreneur and the process of entrepreneurship I will focus on three articles that tried to answer this question or demonstrated the uselessness of the question. Analyzing many different points of view will conduct to a better and deeper understanding of the phenomena. Therefore, this is not an exact science, like for instance mathematics or physics. It leads us more to interpretation, which means that, there will always be a need of debate.
Short Summary
In the article “Differentiating Entrepreneurs from Small Business Owners: A Conceptualization”, Carland et al. tries to answer the question by focusing on the characteristics of an entrepreneur and they go further with comparing him to a small business owner. They settle a definition for each and then, they apply the main ideas to a larger scale and differentiate an entrepreneurial venture from a small business. Gartner criticize their point of view in his article “Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question” and considers that it is improper to define “the entrepreneur” because it would mean that an entrepreneur fits a certain type of person, which is not true since the views are not homogenous. That is why Gartner considers a more suitable approach for the concept, to analyze the entrepreneur’s behavior. In the article “Who is an entrepreneur? Is a question worth asking”, Carland et al. tries to respond to Gartner’s critique and in the end, he argues that indeed entrepreneurship is a complex and dynamic concept.
Common/different aspects of the paper
In the article “Differentiating Entrepreneurs from Small Business Owners: A Conceptualization”, Carland et al., in terms
References: Bhide, A. (1996) The question every entrepreneur must answer, Harvard Business Review, 74(6), 120-130 Bygrave, W.D. & Hofer, C.W. (1991), Theorizing about entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Theory an Practice, 16(2), pp. 13-39 Carland, J.W., Hoy, F., Boulton, W.R., & Carland, J.A. (1984). Differentiating entrepreneurs from small business owners: A conceptualization. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 354-359 Carland, J.W., Hoy, F., & Carland, J.A.C. (1988): _’Who is an Entrepreneur?_Is a question worth asking’, American Journal of Small Business, 12(4): p.33-39. Davidsson, P. (2004) What is entrepreneurship? Chapter in Researching entrepreneurship. Boston, Massachusetts: Springer. Gartner, W. (1989). Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong question. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13(4), p.47-68 Ucbasaran, D., Westhead, P., Wright, M, & Brinks, M. (2003) Does entrepreneurial experience influence opportunity identification? The Journal of Private Equity, winter, 7-14.