In an article written by Dr. Elizabeth it is stated that Vlad Tepes was most likely born in 1431 but that it also hasn’t been confirmed (Miller). …show more content…
After that death of his father and his brother, Vlad became the voivode and served three different terms which totalled seven years. Not much is known about his first term but it was definitely short lived. Vlad spent the next eight years planning how to get his power back. He was successful and as the new voivode Vlad had a lot of enemies, and what he chose to do with those enemies is particularly gruesome. Vlad preferred method of punishment was driving a wooden stake through his victim’s body and leaving them to die of exposure. An article written by states that while fighting the Ottoman invaders in 1462 he supposedly had over 20,000 enemies killed this way on the banks of Danube. Some accounts also claimed that Vlad liked to dine amongst his victims, sometimes even dipping his bread in their blood. Also, according to an article by Lee Krystek, while Vlad was carrying out raids on the banks of Danube the Sultan sent forces of 90,000 which out numbered Vlad’s troops more than 2 to 1. As he was unable to defeat the Sultan’s troop traditionally he employed what was called “guerilla warfare”. That included poisoning water supplies, diverting streams to create swamps, and sending people with lethal diseases such as leprosy to mix with the Sultan’s forces. During the night of July 17, 1462, Vlad and his troops attacked a Turkish camp and taking advantage of the Sultan’s orders that soldiers be confined to their tents after dark (Krystek). Dracula’s forces attacked using torches and sound bugles to create a confusion. During this attack, which is referred to as The Night Attack, the Sultan lost 15,000 men in the battle that lasted three hours. The Sultan continued in their determination to overtake the capital of Wallachia and found no resistance, instead they found that the road was lined with the impaled bodies of 20,000 Turks and Muslims. Terrified by the slaughter, the Sultan turned and headed