Who Is Brigid O Shaughnessy Or Murder?
The main hero Sam Spade is a private detective in San Francisco. He is hired by a ypung woman Miss Wonderly to to help find her sister who has run off with a man. Then Spade's partner Miles Archer is shot. And a liitle later the man with whom Miss Wonderly's sister had run foo was killed too, Sam Spade became a suspect though he was innocent. Spade finds aout that Miss Wonderly whos real name was Brigid O'Shaughnessy and some other people were seeking for a falcon statuette that in the past was owned by the legendary Knights of Rhodes. Sam decides to to find that falcon himself and to prove his innocense, In the end of the book Spade revealed the killer. It appeared to be Brigid O'Shaughnessy herself. Everybody were shocked of that fact.
The book is very dynamic and vivdly wriiten. Some tension is felt from event to event. Major characters are bright. For those who are found of detectives is recommended,