To begin with a lot depends on your definition of “spy”. Weather you think spying on your kids is acceptable in today’s digital age or a breach of trust really depends on how you define “spying” in the first place (line 3, 4). Take a moment and define spy in your own words. In my opinion spying is a form of disrespect! Being because you lack the trust of someone.
Now when if ever is it ok for you to spy on your boy or girl? Were I to become suspicious about his actions or fearful of his safety,
I would totally get out my fake mustache and crash a dance (line 14, 15). If you are concerned about your child confront him/her in person now if that doesn’t work you may be able to do something similar to spying. If you are having to spy on your child there is a lack of trust between the two of you. With that being said I still don’t believe spying is an ok thing to do.
Trust is a key element for a healthy relationship between parent and child. “I truly believe being present has the most positive effect on your kids,” said Kennedy, “more presence equals the need for less spying (hopefully)” (line 103, 104). There would be less reason to spy if trust was present. Having a relationship with your son or daughter as a friend rather than a parent also helps. If you are having to spy on your child you need to regain their trust.
Have I been successful in making you think twice when spying on your children? Be a friend to your son or daughter and there will be no need to spy on them. That is my argument weather you choose to agree with me or not it is up to you. I am just stating and giving reason to my opinion.