In this document, Elie Wiesel tries desperately not to …show more content…
Along with not wishing to be away from his father, Elie makes sure that he never gets thoughts of himself in his head. He lives for his father, and his father lives for him. Together they are loyal to each other. Sometimes Elie thinks that he could just leave his father, but he knows that is not right. Elie Wiesel represents father-son loyalty,
“A terrible thought crossed my mind: What if he had wanted to be rid of his father? He had felt his father growing weaker and, believing that the end was near, had thought by this separation to free himself of a burden that could diminish his own chance for survival.” (91)
This is the opposite, but Elie realizes this. He knows that this is wrong and that even considering the act himself makes him feel worse. Elie never really considers leaving his father. The author notices that his own father is growing weaker and weaker, but he knows he must not leave him. The loyalty he has to his father, even after he himself is wounded, truly shows how much he loves his