In the story A Brave New World, John is the one character who would be completely sane in our modern world. He lived in the “Savage Reservation” which is basically a modified version of our world. He also read from Shakespeare, which gave him manners and knowledge from our time. He gives us the point of view of someone not unlike ourselves. If the story was from the point of view of a working selfpleasing human robot like everyone in the dystopia, nothing much would have happened. John believes in giving our lives purpose instead of just pleasing ourselves. The World State bans art, love, and feelings, all things john believes in. He also believes in working for our happiness, not having it given to us.

The main reason the world state has failed is loss of freedom. John sees that people are made, conditioned, …show more content…
This reservation is closer to todays society then the world state is, considering monogamy and art. The people from the world state frown upon this. "So they're having children all the time like dogs. It's too revolting...And yet John was a great comfort to me." (122) The natives in this book are not exactly like our world, considering they live more like Native Americans from the 1850s. John’s side to live like this shows the animal side of all of us, but the fact that he reads Shakespeare shows he is more civilized. He has both sides, and he really represents people in todays age well. But, this also makes him an outcast wherever he goes. He thinks he will fit in in the World State, but goes to find out its not as easy as it looks. For someone who values emotions, art, love, monogamy, and passions, this is a horrible place to live. John believes that all of these things give life a meaning.
In the end of the book John goes on a tear. He hides on the top of a lighthouse and constantly whips himself and lives in a world of unhappiness. “"In fact', said Mustapha Mond,