Firstly, we discuss what Elisabeth was asking for that Descartes clear up. Descartes begins speaking with Elisabeth, Princess Palatine of Bohemia, on sixth May 1643 when the last sent her first letter to the previous (Atherton, 1994). The correspondence begins after Elisabeth examines Descartes' Meditations and being befuddled about the association between the parts of the body and the psyche and all the more particularly the probability of their causal coordinated …show more content…
After Elisabeth presses Descartes to make a light on the mind-body participation, he inevitably responds. Descartes' response is reluctant and in addition opens up further issues, His responses are twofold. Firstly, he battles that a reaction to this issue presupposes a clarification of the union between the brain and the body (Atherton, 1994). Also, he guarantees that the question itself come from a false presupposition that two substances with finish diverse natures can't follow up on each other (Atherton, 1994); and imply there is an inconsistency in considering brain and body as both two particular substances and as joined together (Mattern 1978). As demonstrated by Descartes' points of view, the psyche and the body are two unmistakable sorts of substances. The body is spatially expanded and unequipped for feeling or thought. The brain, of course, is unextended and fit for thought and