Mr. Scott
I&S 7I
May 11, 2018
"You do not respond to a mosquito bite with a hammer" - Patrice Lumumba
Arguably, Patrice Lumumba was the most innovative person in the history of Congo. He was a wise leader, lead congo to many successes and he had a spot on persuasion skill. If it wasn't for his assassination on 1961 January 17th, he even could have taught the entire continent the ways of leadership. In this essay we will cover the rise to power, middle ages, and downfall for the great congo prime minister; Patrice Lumumba
Patrice Emery Lumumba was born on July 2nd, 1925 in the tiny village of Onalua in northeastern Kasai. At his time, Congo was still a colony, owned and controlled by the government of Belgium. Growing up he was …show more content…
Even at work, his intelligence was outstanding, and soon after he joined, he was appointed community leader and organized a postal workers labor union. In 1957 after working 3 years as a postal clerk he quit and left for the Congos Capital, Leopoldville which is now called Kinshasa. There he soon became involved in an important political project. He helped to found the Movement National Congolais party, which represented all Congolese, rather than representing only the interests of a certain region. Lumumba’s speaking talents and persuasion skills soon won him favor and popularity in his …show more content…
The Belgian government had called for this conference as a forum in which all Congolese political parties could discuss plans for their country's future. At the conference, Lumumba's presence stole the show from other Congolese leaders. He gave his own persuasive speech to see why he was fit for Congos own leader.
In the May 1960 elections, Lumumba and his allies won 137 to 41 seats in the Congo's legislature. As a leader of the largest single party, Lumumba was selected by the Belgians to become the Congo's first prime minister.
During his brief time in office, Lumumba had to face lots of sudden emergencies. These included the rebellion of the army. Lumumba turned to the United Nations for support, only to find out that it had no intention of cooperating with him and do what he thinks is best for Congo. It insisted on opposing the use of any force to alter the situation. Desperate for help, Lumumba asked for support from the Soviet Union help him against the governments of Kasai and Katanga. He was stopped in this attempt when President Kasavubu dismissed him from office in September 1960. Just like that, Lumumba was banished from his rights as a prime minister. And eventually, he has been imprisoned once