Alyson Noel’s Radiance, a side series to The Immortals, took to shelves in August of 2010. It is a very imaginative novel that will take you on a journey through a mysterious place people call heaven and after-life. When Riley Bloom, the main character in the story, is killed in a car accident, she walks over a mysterious bridge. She finds out that this is the afterlife, and is soon assigned a job as a 'Soul Catcher', with a weird yet cute boy as her guide. However, her first assignment will take her back to Earth, to find the Radiant boy. Can Riley persuade him to come to the after-life? This novel is perfect for any science-fiction lovers of all ages. This slightly mysterious story will have
you hooked and will definitely entertain you. According to ‘Books and Bites,’ “Alyson did a great job writing Radiance. It was what I expected and more. Riley's is a great character and had me hooked. Her quick wittiness and sarcastic comebacks had me laughing. . . She was able to catch that young voice and portray it beautifully. . Radiance is a great summer read. . . If you love The Immortal Series, then you will like this book. I give it 5 BITES!” Radiance won many awards such as ‘New York Times Bestseller” and even ‘Parent’s Choice Award winner.’ I definitely recommend this book to anyone aged 10+ and if you like this book, you can continue the series with Shimmer and Dreamland.