Nietzsche believes that his master-slave morality implements the basis of all critical explanation or interpretation of Western thought. According to Nietzsche’s master-slave morality, “Slave Morality” values kindness, humility, and sympathy. Unlike “Master Morality” that values pride, strength, and nobility. This is somewhat similar to Hegel’s interpretation of the Master-Slave relationship due to the way each of the philosophers portray the master and slaves way of thinking. On the other hand, Hegel does not support universal morality unlike Nietzsche. Nietzsche is more open to a different perspective on freedom of one’s self. Hegel believes the master and the slave each play a certain role within society and they will forever be stuck within that role.
Nietzsche defines the master morality as a morality for those who are “strong willed”. The master morality’s scale ranging from good or bad states that good is everything that is helpful and bad is what is harmful. Nietzsche believes the only way to know “what is good” is the result of actions through its consequences. Nietzsche quotes "The value or non-value of an action was derived from its consequences" but ultimately, "There are no moral phenomena at all, only moral interpretations of