In the short story “The Destructors,” by Graham Greene, takes place in London after the German bombings during War World II. This story show two types of violence: One is the gang of youths that expressed their anger and frustration against society by destroying the last remaining house on a street had been bombed. The other type of is society during War World II the town and the homes were destroyed by bombs.
The gang of boys called themselves the Wormsley Common Gang after the area where they lived. The protagonist of this story is Trevor or “T” as he is referred to in the story. T has become the gang’s leader and has decided to take out his anger on the upper class. The previous leader Blackie had lost his position when T had come up with an idea that was better than his. T had come up with the idea to take down Mr. Thomas’ house, since this was the only nice house that was left standing on …show more content…
Thomas, or “Old Misery,” even though he had offered them candy. T had visited Old Misery just to get a look at the inside of the house and while T was there he learned that Old Misery was going to be gone during the Bank Holiday. T organized the boys to demolish the house and the boys had followed his lead since they wanted to become known amongst other local gangs. But the gang had agreed not to steal anything because they did not want to be known as thieves. By the end of the day, the house was destroyed on the inside. They had torn up the floors, smashed the fixtures, cut all of the electrical cords and remove them from the wall, they smashed in all of the doors, destroys anything and everything of value. Everyone had left to go home for the day but Blackie and T. Blackie asks T, “Did you find that something special you were looking for?” T shows Blackie that he had found Old Misery’s savings of seventy-one pound notes. T tells Blackie, “We are going to burn the money one pound at a time.” After they