Through interconnecting several characters’ stories the plot the movie “Crash” unveils the lack of connection and resulting xenophobia between people of Los Angeles coming from various racial and ethnic backgrounds. Even though in most other movies where the topic is racism has a sides of the offender and the abused, while every character of “Crash” does not have clear distinction in which side they are. All characters shows their good and bad side, both suffering from prejudice and inflicting it, resulting in an absence of protagonist/antagonist division.
Character of “Crash” does not have clear distinction in which side they are because all character in the movie showed their good and bad side. Not like most other movies where the protagonist is focus on saving the world while the antagonist is focus on destroying it. This style of plot has made the movie very interesting, while making it more intriguing finding out that some characters that does not meet in the start of the movie are somehow connected. Most of the characters that showed their good side in start of the film have had a turning point resulting in a situation that makes them the bad characters of the stories. On the contrary like character Anthony played by rapper Ludacris, he was a car theft and a racist to himself but at …show more content…
They showed their bad and good sides, all characters suffered from prejudice and inflicting it, resulting in absence of antagonist and protagonist. Millions already have suffered from the narrow mindedness of people that could not understand the differences between them. Most conflicts are shown arising out of misunderstandings in various situations, showing that human behavior is determined by context much more often than by the character