It will allow people to hear how it has made her feel. In the deaf schools it will allow them to realize like they do not want to be treated like it is a disability, she does not want to be treated differently either. Some possible outcomes would be the deaf community would not feel that it is wrong for someone hard of hearing to portray one of them. Another positive outcome would be someone else that is hard of hearing will be inspired about her coming out and speaking. Tanya may not be the only one that feels out of place by putting people into groups. A negative outcome would be it would cause a feud between the Tanya and the deaf community. There will be some that do not care that she does not want to be categorized and will speak about how she is different because she is not totally deaf. Another negative outcome would be no one in the deaf community will hire her to portray a deaf person because she is hard of hearing. Another way Tanya can face her obstacles is to team up with the deaf rock band Beethoven’s Nightmare to do performance. A positive outcome is that Beethoven’s Nightmare understands the difficulties of trying to perform while being deaf or hard of hearing. Beethoven’s Nightmare can relate, so they will not get frustrated with her like Adrian did with her. Another positive outcome is she has someone to talk to about the music business. A negative outcome is there might be issues with the deaf community having someone hard of hearing singing and signing in a deaf band. As seen with the play, the deaf community sometimes does not agree with the hard of hearing being associated with something of the
It will allow people to hear how it has made her feel. In the deaf schools it will allow them to realize like they do not want to be treated like it is a disability, she does not want to be treated differently either. Some possible outcomes would be the deaf community would not feel that it is wrong for someone hard of hearing to portray one of them. Another positive outcome would be someone else that is hard of hearing will be inspired about her coming out and speaking. Tanya may not be the only one that feels out of place by putting people into groups. A negative outcome would be it would cause a feud between the Tanya and the deaf community. There will be some that do not care that she does not want to be categorized and will speak about how she is different because she is not totally deaf. Another negative outcome would be no one in the deaf community will hire her to portray a deaf person because she is hard of hearing. Another way Tanya can face her obstacles is to team up with the deaf rock band Beethoven’s Nightmare to do performance. A positive outcome is that Beethoven’s Nightmare understands the difficulties of trying to perform while being deaf or hard of hearing. Beethoven’s Nightmare can relate, so they will not get frustrated with her like Adrian did with her. Another positive outcome is she has someone to talk to about the music business. A negative outcome is there might be issues with the deaf community having someone hard of hearing singing and signing in a deaf band. As seen with the play, the deaf community sometimes does not agree with the hard of hearing being associated with something of the