Bite-sized trash were found in the North Pacific Ocean, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Scientists from the University of California found more plastic bits than anticipated, and a San Diego press conference was held to document the harmful impacts of the trash on coastal marine life. Some trash travels a long journey all the way to the center of the ocean. They float on the surface and release potentially toxic chemicals while decomposing, bring disruption to marine life. There is 100,000 marine mammals’ trash-related deaths each year. Scientists estimate the Garbage Patch may be four times bigger than the one in North, and humans are to blame for all the ocean harms.
Referring to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch case, the commons to be shared is the Ocean, in which people take benefits from this common property and discard the unwanted into it as everyone simply overestimates the capacity of the ocean. …show more content…
As mentioned in the article, “plastic actually does decompose, releasing potentially toxic chemicals that can disrupt the functioning of hormones in animals and marine life” (CBCnews, 2009) .The released wastes are harming the marine system, and animals that are in this whole food chain. And human beings get no benefits from their harmful actions to the ocean. At the top of the food chain, humans are the ultimate consumers, which means that the health quality of the animals at the bottom of the food chain have an accumulating impacts on the food (animals) we are consuming. When the ocean is polluted with toxic plastics, the seafood we get from the ocean are also