Perhaps the greatest and most well known American example of this is Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. Stowe’s novel was published right before the outbreak of the Civil War, in 1852, and many …show more content…
Radical ideas in novels can spread like a plague, and just as fast, because everyone is interested in hearing the man who claims only to be ‘speaking his mind’ - and what could be so dangerous about that? Historically speaking, Hitler s Mein Kampf, an autobiography he composed while in jail, is likely the most well known. By 1925, it managed to get into print, and was flying off the shelves when he was released from prison. It should have been a warning of what was to come, but the German people were far too interested in Hitler’s ideas of their racial superiority. Some of the German people, at least: the ones who weren't Jewish, homosexual, or any other ‘non- Aryan’, to be more specific. Perhaps had this work of literature been stopped before it went into print, and perhaps had this work of literature been taken more seriously by the world's leaders, something could have been done to prevent the previously unthinkable slaughter that occurred in World War