After “the monsters” yellow eyes open and he gains control of his limbs Victor’s almost immediate response is to run out of the room, due to “the monster’s” sheer hideousness, and hide in his bed. When “the monster” later awakes Victor, and flings open his bed curtain, Victor again begins to run. He is unable to find any joy in the success of his experiment simply because he finds the monster unbearable to look at, and so he abandons him. For over a year “the monster” is left in nature to fend for himself, and it’s during this time that he begins to observe a family living in a small cottage. After seeing the joy this family brings each other and the love they have for one and other “the monster” begins to wonder “where are my friends?” and “why no father had watched my infant days?”(108) It is now that “the monster” begins to grieve for his lack of companionship and support and he screams “Accursed Creator! Why did you create a monster that even you turn from me in disgust?” Then, due to Victor’s shallowness lack of sympathy towards him, “the monster” curses him and swears his revenge. Seeking retribution “the monster” heads to Victor’s home town of Geneva and it is here that he has his encounter with William. This encounter ends in Williams’s murder which once committing “the monster” plants one of William’s valuable possessions in Justine’s dress, getting her convicted …show more content…
During an encounter in the mountains with his creation, “the monster” confides in victor his tale of misery and isolation. He tells victor that as his creator he owes “the monster” happiness and all he needs to be happy is a female companion. Victor denies “the monster” his request, stating “I sometimes felt a wish to console him; but when I looked upon him, when I saw that filthy mass that moved and talked, my heart sickened”.(131)After a moment though victor’s compassion for his creation overcomes his hatred for its appearance and he agrees to his request. One night while working on this female companion for “the monster” victor thinks of what the end result of his second creation might be. Considering what the effect might be if the two hideous beasts were to have children and spawn a “race of devils” (147), again Victor is overcome by his superficiality. He tears his half-finished creation to pieces with “the monster” watching him. Enraged “the monster” swears his revenge again and retreats into the wild. Victor, fearing for the lives of his family and friends, leaves Scotland to go meet with Henry in Perth. It isn’t long though before victor Discovers that Henry has been killed by “the monster”. Being convicted of the murder Victor is put in prison for several months. Upon his release and journey back home Victor receives a letter from Elizabeth asking him if he is in love with