ANS 1: The four characters are: Two little rats: Sniff and Scurry. Two little people: Hem and Haw.
ANS 2: The personalities of the characters are described by their names itself. 1. Sniff: Who sniffs out change early 2. Scurry: Who scurries into action 3. Hem: Who denies and resists change as he fears it will lead to something worse. 4. Haw: Who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing can lead to something better.
ANS 3: The author used two little animals and two little people to make his point because they represent simple and complex parts of ourselves, regardless of our age, gender, race or nationality.
ANS 4: Cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life-whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money or a possession, health or spiritual peace of mind.
ANS 5: Maze is where we look for what we want- the organisation we work in, or the family or community we live in.
ANS 6: The best reaction to change was shown by Sniff and Scurry, they had already analysed the situation that the ‘cheese’ was about to finish so they decided to search for cheese before the situation worsens, sniff got to know about the change first and scurry blindly trusted sniff and immediately came into action and found new place for ‘cheese’ which was better than the previous one. Whereas Initially Hem and Haw’s confidence grew into arrogance of success so they didn’t even notice the change happening. When the change happened Hem panicked and didn’t want to deal with what was facing him and was reluctant to change. Whereas Haw was patient and decided to move with the change and find ‘cheese’.
ANS 7: Yes! There was a reluctance to change by Hem because in nature he was timid, stubborn and impatient. He did not want to adapt to the change.
ANS 8: This story was majorly evolved around the running shoes of the characters. Sniff and Scurry kept their running shoes around their neck after they