Some of them were even arrested. Chip Pickering was one of those politicians. His wife filed a lawsuit against a woman that Chip had an affair with. It ruined his career along with his career. John Ensign resigned after having an affair with one of his close friend’s wife. John’s close friend and his wife were also helping work on John’s campaign at the time of the affair. Robert Livingston was in a similar situation that Bill Clinton was in. Robert was serving his term at the same time Bill Clinton was president. Robert resigned in 1999 after having an affair. David Vitter said, “I think Livingston stepping down does make a very powerful argument that Bill Clinton should resign as well” (List of federal …show more content…
Now America was still a religious country. Eight in ten people said that prayer was an important part of their day. But more traditional thinking was diminishing along with conservative values. Thinking was becoming more liberal and modern (Trends in Attitudes). But the people’s trust had been betrayed. Since the President is basically the icon of the government, the public had essentially lost trust in the government as a whole. Most people were unsatisfied with the senate more so than the president. They thought that the Republicans and the Democrats would just fight instead of cooperate (Holland). Clinton was still favored though. He had a 69% favorability rate throughout the public (Miller). Many people didn’t want him to be removed from office. A poll was taken about America’s opinion of the trial. As it turned out American took a less formalistic view. The public was prepared to allow the President some leniency. In the end there was no clear answer as to whether or not Clinton’s actions were impeachable