Pedro Valdivia, the gallant and brave soldier known for his masteries in the art of war, is known to be the “brawns” of the operations. He undergoes the journey, despite the known obstacles, to seek fame and a society based on fundamental rules. One without corruption led in the name of Christianity and Spain. Known as a true patriot for his country and a devoted believer to the religion, Pedro is a character of honorable intentions for most part. He is responsible for the success of the conquest of Chile. He prepares and leads the men into battle being responsible for the lives of his men. He is also the main fundraiser for the conquest supplying all equipment, transportation, soldiers, and auxiliary Indians. Also he is the map holder and guide for the
Pedro Valdivia, the gallant and brave soldier known for his masteries in the art of war, is known to be the “brawns” of the operations. He undergoes the journey, despite the known obstacles, to seek fame and a society based on fundamental rules. One without corruption led in the name of Christianity and Spain. Known as a true patriot for his country and a devoted believer to the religion, Pedro is a character of honorable intentions for most part. He is responsible for the success of the conquest of Chile. He prepares and leads the men into battle being responsible for the lives of his men. He is also the main fundraiser for the conquest supplying all equipment, transportation, soldiers, and auxiliary Indians. Also he is the map holder and guide for the