
Who Was Responsible For John F Kennedy's Assassination

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“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names” (John F. Kennedy). John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was riding in an open-top convertible with the governor of Texas, John Connally in a parade being held in Dallas. When Kennedy and Connally’s car came to a point in the parade where the Texas Book Depository was, Kennedy was shot. He was shot twice, once in the back of the neck, which also critically injured Connally, and once on the side of the head. The shooter was an ex-marine named Lee Harvey Oswald. After the shooting, Lyndon B. Johnson, now the president, issued the Warren Commission to look into the assassination of Kennedy. With much investigation and the collection of evidence from witnesses, the commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and they were correct in doing so. There were many people questioned about what they saw or heard on the day of Kennedy’s death. 179 witnesses said that there were three shots, and 28% said the shots sounded as if they came from the book depository. There were a few people, though, that thought they heard a fourth a shot from Dealey Plaza, leading to a conspiracy theory that Oswald wasn’t the only shooter. This was looked into and it was …show more content…

Johnson set up a commission of 7 men to collect facts about the JFK assassination. He also commissioned a report from J. Edgar Hoover, whose account was put into a 500-page essay written by the FBI. This essay highlighted the evidence revealing that Oswald was the only killer and there was no conspiracy. In this essay, it was written that “in its entire investigation the Commission has found no evidence of conspiracy, subversion, or disloyalty to the U.S. Government by any Federal, State, or local official. On the basis of the evidence before the Commission it concludes that, Oswald acted alone.” This states that Oswald acted alone, that he didn’t have a

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