Apparently the Sumatran tiger, which got through an unlocked gate, left deep puncture wounds in McClay neck and body. The zoo's owner, David Gill, 55 year old, had faced individual charges on the same allegations but was formally acquitted. Also,The prosecution offered no evidence against him. Moreover,the zoo pleaded guilty to contravening the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and failing to ensure people who were not staff were not exposed to risk on the day in question. The sentencing for this case will take place at Preston Crown Court on Friday. …show more content…
I found this article very interesting for the reason that the tiger some got released somehow and immediately attacked her causing her to die.
I found it this situation sad for the reason that her mother Fiona said that it was her daughter’s dream to be a zookeeper and that she suffered "unsurvivable" multiple injuries in the attack. In my opinion, the zoo is partly at fault for Sarah McClay’s death for the reason that the zoo should have installed better system that ensures staff and the public are safe and secure. More importantly, the zoo should known that their system wasn’t secure considering inspectors previously demanded more than 30 improvements to the attraction, having found it had placed staff and the public in potential danger.However, McClay is partly at fault for the reason that she could have checked the locks in the cage after all it is her job to look after the animals so that they don’t get released and kill
Ultimately if the zoo listened and followed the demands of inspectors for improvements to the attraction, this could have prevented this tragic death and for others in the future.