the standing, practice, or methods of a professional, as distinguished from an amateur.
Professionalism is when a person is experienced that can do their job well and do their job no matter what, whatever the situation is.
A that's nice, but don't let sister hear you say that.' P8
Nurse kay is new to the hospital and ken is talking to her using sexual innuendo. They are getting to know each other for the first time.
B ' Ours was an objective, his subjective decision.' P25
Dr Scott talking to dr Emerson about if they should give him the Valium as ken is the one getting affected. Dr Emerson is saying ken cannot know enough to challenge their clinical decisions.
C I'm always warning my nurses not to get involved.' P28
Sister, nurse and dr Scott are talking. dr scott and sister are talking about not letting the nurses get involved with ken harrison but dr emerson is as involved with ken as if he were his father.
Nurse comes into sisters office to report to her that she is finished, sister then asks her if she was running because she looked flushed as nurse Kay has just escaped from Johns sexual innuendo and behaviours.
D 'Dr Emerson is as involved with mr Harrison as if he were his father.' P28
Same as above
E ' you and the doctors with your appalling so called professionalism, which is nothing more than a series of verbal tricks to prevent you from relating to your patients as human beings.' P34
Ken shows his anger towards mrs Boyle the medical social worker as she tried to counsel him and he responded with anger as he thinks they all use the Same technique, if ken talks about some awkward then she just ignores him and pretend he didn't say anything at all. He thinks all the doctors are 'the bloody same'
He says something offensive about her and she turns her professional cheek. He thinks that if she was human she would treat him as a human. He thinks that she is the one that he has decided that life is