Peaceful resistance to laws and protesting are necessary components of a democracy in the sense that people must voice their opinions to make change. America is a …show more content…
Instead of helping strengthen a democracy, these actions go against the very goal of the protesters/resisters, harming democracy and weakening its legitimacy. It is important to act peacefully, just like Martin Luther King Jr. did, never reinforcing negative stereotypes, but being an example and leader for others to follow. So, why is America considered so great? To me, it is not the freedom that people are given. It is not achieving the American dream. It is how we choose to exercise our freedom in a positive way. It is the pursuit of our goals, not necessarily achieving them. In order to continue to improve as individuals, as a community, as a society, and as a nation, we must stand together and stand up to oppressive and wrong legislation or actions (pointing out specific flaws and offering ways to improve), fighting for our beliefs and never succumbing to anyone, regardless of what others