From its conception, the United States has been known as a melting pot of different ethnicities, cultures, and languages. It was common to hear different languages being spoken all around, not as it is in today's society, where it can be seen as rude or disrespectful by those in proximity if someone speaks in a language other than English. In her article Why and When We Speak Spanish in Public, Myriam Marquez explains to her readers why people speak Spanish in public when they know English. She uses logos, pathos, and ethos to explain to her readers why people speak Spanish while in public.…
3. Much of Rodriguez’s essay is spent comparing the Spanish his parents spoke at home to the English they spoke outside it, “the language of their Mexican past” to “the English of public society” (par. 9). What is the point of including this material? How do these comparisons support his argument?…
Richard Rodriguez was aHispanic in an American environment with English speaking people. Rodriguez expressed in his essay that it was not possible to use family’s language in school. Rodriguez felt out of place because of his struggles with a new language and the differences between him and his classmates. Rodriguez’s classmates were middle class and rich while he was not. Rodriguez did not do well in school due to his limited English.…
Tiara Games , living in an area that had diversity has giving you great insight on the misconceptions and stereotypes that exist about some cultures. It is very enlightening to see that your friends were able to educate you about Spanish-speaking people, by providing you with the correct information your friends are helping alleviate stereotypes. Furthermore, the word Hispanic is a more accurate description of the people who speak Spanish, but for some reason even in our area that has a heavy Hispanic population people we equate this word to mean Mexican. Nevertheless, it is very refreshing to see that you are using this experience as motivation to continue to educate yourself about the many different cultures that exist in our society. The…
Some of the different types of languages that she spoke included; standard English, working class and slang English, standard Spanish, standard Mexican Spanish, north Mexican Spanish dialect, Chicano Spanish, Tex-Mex, and Pachuco. However Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California have different regional variations for Chicano Spanish. She also wrote on how she was punished for speaking Spanish or “talking back to her teacher.” Even her mother was mortified that she was speaking English like a Mexican. When she was in college she even had to take two classes that were aimed to get rid of her accent. Azaldua is very correct in her statement that, “Attacks on one’s form of expression with the intent to censor are a violation of the First Amendment.”…
In Gloria Anzaldua’s article, “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” she demonstrates her experiences of overcoming ethnic identity. From personal exposure, Anzaldua describes her observation of linguistic terrorism throughout her life. The article begins in a school setting where the author reveals an unacceptable atmosphere for being caught speaking Spanish. Communicating meant speaking American, and avoiding any Mexican accents. Violation of the First Amendment is expressed through the author feeling attacked for expressing her roots. Anzaldua’s emphasizes how people who have experienced alienation should not be ashamed of their native tongues.…
Robert MacNeil’s article, "Do You Speak American?", was first published in USA Today Magazine, which is popular within the general public. I did notice that he limits the use of terminology that only very well educated individuals would understand. Therefore, it is safe to assume that his intended audience would be the people within the general public, who have a basic understanding of the English language. Throughout the article, he uses language that is usually used to educate, rather than argue, even though at times it does seem like he agrees with one side more than the other. Robert MacNeil's purpose is to deepen this audience’s understanding of the diversity of their language, and then he starts to persuade the audience into believing that the American language is becoming less…
Excited to go on his American adventure, Joaquin leaves his Seattle hotel with the hopes of finally being able to get the full tour of one of the most well known American cities. Wanting to see the entire city from a high point, he headed off towards the famous Space Needle. Once inside the tower, as he almost reaches his destination, the elevator he is in suddenly stops. Unable to speak not understand the slightest bit of English, Joaquin panics since he has no clue what is going on and has no one to translate or communicate with. As the amount of non-English speaking immigrants in the United States increase, more and more people have been finding themselves in difficult or confusing situations when it comes to communicating with others. Over the years, although more and more Americans have been introduced to various different languages, language barriers have been one of the major issues in the society.…
4. Rodriguez admits, “Matching the silence I started hearing in public was a new quiet at home” (para.38). Later he says, “The silence at home, however, was finally more than a literal silence” (para.41). Does he convince you that this change in family relationships is worthwhile in terms of his “dramatic Americanization” (para.37)?…
Gloria Anzaldua, who was an activist and writer that grew up in Texas and endured several forms of oppression, covers several topics in her essay “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” including her feelings on the social and cultural difficulties that Mexican immigrants face when being raised in the United States. Among one of the things Anzaldua describes Mexican immigrants must endure is the judgment from other Mexicans for the way they speak Spanish. Anzaldua describes the situation as:…
Between the settlement at Jamestown in 1607 and the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the most important change that occurred in the colonies was the extension of British ideals far beyond the practice in England itself. The thirteen colonies throughout time all established themselves and soon developed their own identities. Colonies in different areas were known for different things and no one colony was like the other. These people began to see them selves as Carolinians or Georgians, Quakers or new Englanders. Most of these colonist's no longer saw themselves as being citizens of the mother country, but rather as citizens of their colonies. This is when the colonies began to receive their own identities and eventually start to become more and more Americanized. Changes in Religion, economics, Politics, and social structures illustrate this Americanization of the transplanted Europeans.…
An anonymous author wrote “Our culture, our traditions, our language are the foundations upon which we build our identity.” This brings out what Tanya Maria Barrientos argues throughout her essay, “Se Habla Español.” She struggled to identify herself as Latino and embracing her Spanish heritage. So at a young age, she decided to step away from America’s stereotypical view of Latin’s and embrace what she thought was the correct way to live. One main thing she didn’t want was to be able to speak Spanish, because she thought people would automatically judge her. Like Barrientos, I how was raised had a lot to do with my identity and how I perceived myself and the world.…
We communicate with people by exchange information between each other. We talk by verbal and nonverbal communication. These tools are used to help us process this information. Those tools are speaking, listening, and our body language, all of these tools help us communicate and to understand others. In the Hispanic and Latino literature they communicate through spirituality, magic, and through myth. These tools play an important part in the way they communicate to one another in their culture. We as American seem to take things for granted of things that are not important and not focus on things that are important.…
In a Hispanic household the language that is spoke is considered Spanish. Under the “umbrella” term Hispanic you have a breakdown of the different types of Hispanics such as Mexicans, Puertoricans, Dominicans, Cubans and Panamanians that speak Spanish but their words have similar yet different meanings. Usually in an older generation Hispanic household the language is spoken by everyone including the children. When speaking to outsiders the Hispanic family prefers to speak Spanish unless the other individual does not understand it. It is very hard for the older generation of Hispanics to attempt to speak to the new generation because the newer generation speaks English. Many older generation Hispanics were never really taught how to speak English.…
In my opinion, I’m a part of the Hispanic “cultural language” who are hardworking, friendly, very religious and very respectful. I think this emerged when I was little and evolved as I grew up and even now. I was taught to thank god every day. During my childhood I spent a lot of time with my grandma who is like the friendliest person I know. No matter where we are, she makes a friend. My mom was always working and she taught me to get far in life I need to work for it. I think this cultural language does work in my favor to social structure because it has taught be good morals and…