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#2 I've seen the program a little bit, but I did not pay that much attention… I went into a nature path and they are pretty new age. So I wanted to get something natural, I am concerned and would like to get something for prostate health. I will be 70 in four months. The reason I am concerned is I had a blood test to check my testosterone level and it was 3 and I guess that is pretty low. The other thing was my triglycerides have been high about 2100. I guess I just don’t process all I eat; I quit eating as much as I used to eat. So I have been losing muscle mass and I thought you have something, Phytosterol. The other thing is they give …show more content…
I will tell you another thing, I am involved with Isogonics not sure if you are familiar, but they have some expensive products. I just do B’s, I used to have Hepatitis C and I went through the Harmonic Program. So I have done a lot of supplements. Been involved with Amway, I did a lot of chemicals when we were in the 60s. I got my drugs out a way long time ago, I took everything, and heroin and I have done a lot of damage. In 69 I went to see Janice Joplin, man I have done a lot of stuff. So when I tried that testosterone I see that it is not natural. I guess I am just going to wait till I get down …show more content…
You know I like those guys on God TV. I went to Lakeland for the Todd Bently conference they had in Lakeland FL. So I have liked God TV ever since, I am kind of an old Jesus people. I do a motorcycle rally and attend a Four Square church. I was talking with a friend of mine the other day about a moment when I saw Ryan Heart and said this guy isn’t much of a preacher and the Lord said he is a healer. So you know I have been around a while with Paul & Jan, my dad was born in the dream center. I was talking with Marie the other day and as we were talking someone said “homesexual” and she said “I don’t like those Christians who quote the Bible… and this and that.” Well I thought about it and called her back and said “The Word of God is truth, whoever is speaking it.” I want to center on the God the father of peace I go to Bethel in CA, and I stay in the