
Why Basketball Is Important To Me

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Why Basketball Is Important To Me
Basketball has always been a huge part of my life. I remember going to Los Angeles Lakers games as a child with my dad. Some of my favorite memories from college include decking out in blue and gold and going to UCLA basketball games with my friends. I started playing and watching the sport from a young age. Up until high school, I played organized basketball in local leagues. During college, I played point guard for my intramural team for three years. I love playing basketball because it brings people together and also teaches you how to function as a team. I am an avid follower of NBA basketball (even though my Lakers have been pretty bad recently).

I also love music. I played the viola and piano from elementary through high school, and I also tried my hand at the alto saxophone. I have grown an appreciation for a variety of music genres, ranging from classical, hip-hop and R&B to classic rock and even electronic music. As of right now, the album that I have been playing nonstop is “Currents” by Tame Impala, a psychedelic rock band.
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While I enjoy rap and hip-hop tremendously, I realize that it is a misunderstood art by many people. I am of the opinion that rap doesn’t have to relate to drugs, misogyny and gang violence, and can be a very useful medium to express oneself. I view rap as a modern-day form of poetry, in that it involves conveying ideas, thoughts, and emotions through complex rhythms and rhyme schemes. My friends and I get together and either write our own lyrics beforehand or think of them on the spot. I have found that freestyling helps me exercise my creative passions and has improved my ability to think on my

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