The wall fell because of one main reason, to end the Cold war. It was actually very effective to bring a close to the end of the Cold war for the act of bringing down the wall actually brought more trust among the Allies and USSR. When the order to let free travel among the wall at midnight was given people everywhere across Berlin were joyous. Thousands of people everywhere were drinking and cheering tear down the wall. Then on November 9, 1989 the Berlin wall was over. Thousands of people rushed through the checkpoints some even picked up pickaxes and other tools and started tearing down the wall itself. Tommy actually told me a story about how during the fall of the wall some of his friends got in a tank and ran it down so they could use the pieces as souvenirs. Not to long after the fall of the wall Germany became it's own country again in 1991 when it signed the “Treaty on the final settlement with respect to
The wall fell because of one main reason, to end the Cold war. It was actually very effective to bring a close to the end of the Cold war for the act of bringing down the wall actually brought more trust among the Allies and USSR. When the order to let free travel among the wall at midnight was given people everywhere across Berlin were joyous. Thousands of people everywhere were drinking and cheering tear down the wall. Then on November 9, 1989 the Berlin wall was over. Thousands of people rushed through the checkpoints some even picked up pickaxes and other tools and started tearing down the wall itself. Tommy actually told me a story about how during the fall of the wall some of his friends got in a tank and ran it down so they could use the pieces as souvenirs. Not to long after the fall of the wall Germany became it's own country again in 1991 when it signed the “Treaty on the final settlement with respect to