Charles Simic writes an article based on his thoughts pertaining to the possession electronics play today: "A Reunion With Boredom". He discusses a time in his life where his dwelling’s noise made it impossible to be bored. “The building was so noisy; there was not a chance of being bored for a second.” ( Noise is the eliminator of boredom. Movies play nonchalantly in homes, music in the car, chatter at the coffee shop; noise creates a sense of placement and purpose. He pulls ideas around the nostalgic potential of boredom. While being bored he is brought to reminisce of younger times when people would marry, read, move to California to escape boredom. Whereas now with the multitude of electronics at our fingertips, one does not…
In the short Article, I’m bored: What your child is telling you by Linda Morgan, children all over are having issue in expressing their thoughts and feeling when a child says that I’m bored. This two word phrases could mean different things to different children at times. Regardless whether at home or at school when a child says I’m bored the child may be in need of redirection of school assignment, parental attention, direction in implanting a task, project, or any other activity ideas. Today’s many researchers and developers express their concerns that technology takes over a child 's extra time. Children and juvenile today instead of enjoying the outdoor playing with friends or having hobby, find themselves caught playing with computer games, and video games like Xbox, PlayStation, and other entertainment systems. Children and teenagers after passing several levels in a game or even moved onto different activities still find themselves bored. So why does boredom persists and what does it mean?…
When your bored it activates two parts of your brain according to Mary Hellen. One is the part of your brain that lets you focus on whats going on around you for example a teacher…
Thomas Jefferson was explaining in a short version of his life he never stopped doing things he always did something to keep him busy. He was never lazy when he woke up he was ready for the day. I think its better you never be idle "lazy" because its like a disease its just spreads. One day your like I'll do my work and the next i don't really feel like doing it I would rather be asleep. If your are lazy you will not keep a job. You cannot support a family and you will get nowhere in life. If you are never idle then you will exceed in life. You will have the opportunity to get a good job, meet a good girl to marry and eventual have kids. You will pay off the house you want to own. Pay back any loans or debt that you owe. Now laziness…
What is boredom? According to John Taylor Gatto, boredom is ruining the modern day society’s schooling. Gatto is convinced that we ourselves is to blame for boredom, and believes everyone should be able to entertain themselves. “How public education cripples our kids, and why”, written by John Taylor Gatto, is papered with evidences. Even though the literal beauty does not exist in the essay, he starts out blocking all the possible arguments that could be created in the first place by placing evidences in his essay everywhere, unable to criticize on his content, reflection and analysis.…
In “Duh Bor-ing” Joseph Epstein explicitly defines boredom throughout this article. Episten discusses the various psychological tolls that boredom takes on a person. He discusses how boredom affects different aspects of everyday life. Epstein goes into detail in explaining how other authors and philosophers perceive boredom too. He also explains how boredom is a useful tool for us in order to keep our minds in check.…
In the Congressional Hearing about Syria in 2013, “Senator John McCain found himself feeling restless ... So he played poker on his iPhone to escape the feeling.”(Turkle 39). In Sherry Turkle’s book, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age, the author depicts an individual that succumbs to boredom and alleviates it through the use of technology. This occurrence happens in our everyday lives. We attempt to relieve our boredom mainly through the use of computers and phones. After endless cycles of boredom and relievement, we begin to associate it as a normal occurrence in life and question whether it serves a purpose in life, making it have a negative connotation. Despite believing that boredom is pointless, we need to recognize…
What Gabler fails to do is define entertainment. What may be considered entertaining for Taylor Swift may have been considered boring by Albert Einstein. And what may be fun for Nicki Minaj may have been considered a waste of time by Gregor Mendel. Different people seek different forms of entertainment, although throughout any form, as with anything in life, there is an upside and a downside. Music can be relaxing and soothing; but play it too loud and it harms your hearing. Watch the History channel and learn a thing or two, or watch Jersey Shore and become influenced by their outlandish behavior.…
Boredom while in most cases makes people become blobs of thoughts that are not to be of use. But some people use boredom as a time to draft, to create. Whenever I am bored I think about wholesome books I should write on the side, what the plots and the twists should be. Others may think about that essay that's due and think of a time to work on it, whereas others would be blobs of zen, sitting down and relaxing.…
Some people may think boredom is an impossible challenge to overcome, but it is necessary to improve, introspection, imagination, and creativity. Children are more active than ever before. Many children don’t even have the opportunity to be bored. With all of the current technology, boredom is just a word for kids. Boredom is actually more important than you may think. Boredom is a natural function in the human brain. Without boredom, the introspective area in your brain isn’t used, resulting in deterioration in the area’s ability to be used. Boredom is important for the human brain, but it can be hard for some people.…
Unlike doing something or having a career, boredom is about the time you have with yourself and your thoughts. I asked my roommate another question, “Do you think boredom is a choice?” Her response was, “Yes, it is a choice. We choose to be bored. We choose to do the things we want to do. We could easily go outside and take a walk around the neighborhood instead of laying around and complaining.” In doing so, that will give us the time we need to decompress our thoughts and have alone time that we need with ourselves. With technology these days, we do not get to have that experience. We get so distracted by the television or the next ad that pops up on our youtube videos. We need to take time to be bored and just decompress our thoughts.…
All things considered, boredom is a thing that can shape teens/children into great human beings. Today, people's lives are overcome with technology, not saying it's a bad thing but technology can be overwhelming sometimes. Teens, especially, need time to smell the roses. Boredom can make teens minds want to explore the world more, think about all the great times they've had, and have better listening. Although, boredom can seem like the most ridiculous thing to do sometimes it's way better then some people think it…
Have you every tried to entertain a child with a maximum attention span of 30 seconds? It is a nightmare trying to keep your children from getting so bored they actually start playing board games. It is good to keep children entertained because they stay out of trouble. They also cannot burn your house down or assault the elderly. I will be showing you why it is good to keep children entertained and how to do so.…
Some People think that boredom is a good thing and I can somewhat relate to that…
Why did I use such a broad category like entertainment? Because I would miss all forms of entertainment. Music, television, and social media play an important role in my life. Music and television are undoubtedly my weaknesses. As I go to sleep, I listen to music; during my preparation for a new day; I have music playing; my car rides are always filled with some genre of music. Then after a long day of school, I come home and walk straight to my television with a purpose, as Mrs. Deidre Hester would describe it. My educational responsibilities are quickly disregarded as soon as I find a program to watch. If there is nothing entertaining showing, do I begin on my school work? No. I find other activities to engage in, whether it be social media surfing, or eating. Therefore, no entertainment is equal to boredom I my opinion. Being trapped on an island with none whatsoever can be good and bad. The bad part is the possibility of boring my life away, and the good thing is that it gives me the opportunity to focus and meditate on…