The concern of weapons of mass destruction is perhaps one of the largest growing issues in the world today. These weapons are a threat to everyone; actually, they are a threat to the existence of the world, and it is for this simple reason, why there is concern regarding this topic all over the globe. " [The threat of weapons of mass destruction is] A Damocles sword poised on the neck of the human race, the magnitude of the threat they pose cannot be overstated" (Sid-Ahmed, 1). It is for this reason efforts are being made to ban the use of and/or destroy weapons of mass destruction all over the world. The question is, will the prohibition and destruction of weapons benefit the world or will it put us at a disadvantage? If all nuclear weapons in the world were destroyed, the world would certainly benefit because the threat would be eliminated. America is making efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons all over the world. They have decided it is a good idea to go into other countries and "peacefully" force them to stop production of and destroy their nuclear weapons. The New York Times states, "Iraq has to get rid of its biological and chemical arms and missiles and the means to make them, and abandon its efforts to develop nuclear weapons" (NYT, 1). This of course sounds like a splendid idea because the less nuclear weapons we have, the less chance people have to use them, but then the United States goes on to give Iraq an ultimatum. "That [the destruction of the nuclear weapons] can be accomplished in one of two ways. Iraq can make a full declaration of its weapons arsenal this weekend, and then work with the UN to destroy the arms. If it doesn 't, the United States is likely to use military forces to disarm Iraq" (NYT, 1).
While the intentions of the United States are noble enough, they are not going about getting results in the most intelligent manner because by "threatening" Iraq they seem as if their motives
Cited: 1. "Global Hegemony: US Fantasy". Tehran Times. 12/2/02 ( ) 2. Sid-Ahmed, Mohamed. "Nukes are here to stay". Al_Ahram Weekly (Egypt). 3/8/2000 ( 3. "Decisive Days for Iraq". The New York Times. 12/5/2002 (