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That way athletes can have better physical health. Sports could also help children with their self-discipline. Sports also help with social life, and social skills. Further, proficient communication skills are necessary between teammates and coaches, as a result athletes are able to compete in other areas of their lives and are better prepared for college and the job market. We should all be for sports, since they help us all to be more active. Sports also make you smarter, because when you exercise it enhances your brain power. You also learn how to work with other people. Sports also help you to improve your attitude, and sleep patterns to feel great the next day or on game…
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Stephen D. Keener said ”Very few actually enter to the little league competition” and “But the lessons players get between the foul lines haw guided the kids.” To start the kids who join the youth sports leagues have more time dedicated to the sport and less time spent home. This helps the kid build up responsibility, good sportsmanship which leads to respect and confidence, this can build the character of the children. The author Stephen D. Keener wrote ”While striving to win, children learn about teamwork, leadership and sportsmanship” So basically kids that do physical work do not just learn the sport but valuable lessons. For example, “ children work together to accomplish a task and learn from their mistakes. These lessons directly translate into the classroom and beyond.” Which can lead to problem solving…
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One may be worried that a child may be left out by the coach or the other teammates ("Pros and Cons of Youth Sports Participation). According to Philips, children make more friends and build stronger relationships with teammates and the coaches rather than being left out (Philips 26). Injuries also play a big part in why so many people do not play sports at a young age. Actually, having this physical activity helps strengthen bones and muscles, which help make injuries happen less. People also believe that children will have too much organization because of having to listen to the coach all of the time instead of making one's own decisions and mistakes. Organization is good for younger kids because if there is no organization at all everyone will be out of control and not knowing what to do ("Pros and Cons of Youth Sports Participation"). Even though there are many things that could happen to children playing sports, there are always ways that one can do to prevent…
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“School should be about learning, not sports”. Kids now a days love to play sports, but don’t like to learn. Learning, and get an education this is a very important thing in life you need it to have a good job so that you can have a family and support them. So I feel in school you must have good grades in order to play any type of sport, and if you do not then you should not be playing. A couple reasons I feel like this is for starters kids pay more attention to sports then they do in class. This is not how this should be. Kids should love to learn something new every day at school, but in some school that’s not the case. Kids need to learn.…
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Sports keep teens well behaved at school and in class. Sports reduce the number of fights, and bad classroom behavior. In order to play any sport in high school, the students must make good grades. If they fail to make the grades, then they are either dismissed from the team, or they must take a study hall before each practice for at least 30 minutes, sometimes even for the whole day until his or her grade comes up to a passing grade. In most high schools, there are problems with attendance from the students. If a player does not come to school, then they may not go to practice or attend the game that…
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* Joining a school sports team reinforces the importance of physical activity. Sports teams have regular practices that require team members to do a variety of exercises for strength, mobility and skills. They also promote a healthy lifestyle and get children in the good habit of exercising on a regular basis. Team membership also promotes teamwork and a healthy level of competition.…
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Athletics tend to be a major component of American culture. It has become common for parents to push their children to be great in sports. Americans tend to focus on the word “push.” Saying parents should push their children to play sports implies force; therefore, parents should encourage their child to play sports or participate in an extra-curricular activity.…
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Some may argue that sports play an important role in teaching life lessons to athletes. Yes, you can learn valuable things through sports, but you can take on even better traits through school and teamwork activities in the classroom without the problems that athletics comes with, like injuries and pressure. School comes before athletics and some athletes think athletics are more important than school, so eliminating sports will help these students learn valuable life lessons through school and activities in the classroom with other students.…
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Lastly, children should be on a competitive sports team because you learn how to work as a unity and and social skills. In the article “Why I Don’t Want my Kids to Play Team Sports,’’ Jeff Pearlman states ,” When the game ended, we’d all go out to the neighborhood bar to talk and eat and drink the night away.” Once you join a team, you start to make friends. These…
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School sports are very beneficial to everyone involved. Students learn about themselves and how to be responsible. Parents can benefit from scholarships and the pure joy they get from watching their child put so much heart in the game. Schools benefit from the money that sports bring in. Every semester holds a different sport. There are so many opportunities for young athletes to show who they really are and reveal their…
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The first reason that i think competitive sports are good for kids is that it helps build self esteem for example kids have to play the sports the right way and there teammates will say good job, nice try, and good play. So they build their self esteem by being on a sport team and by their teammates complimenting them. When you learn something you have self esteem for it so you are confident in it. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times i’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why i succeed.” -Michael Jordan…
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...alty, teamwork, and sportsmanship, invaluable lessons that can forever be implemented in the real world. It also helps gives a child social skills that he cannot possibly learn by reading a book, or spending hours in the classroom. Parents and coaches are the only ones who can really mar a childs athletic experience. And as long they root for their child, not against the others, and do not let a child do what he does not want to do, everything will be okay. Sports are vital, something no kid should be without. Take it from someone who…
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High school sports build strong leaders and plants the seed for the student to want to success in their future. When the student is involved in a High school sport, the student learns from the success of the team. The team as a whole can be dangerous to the component. The team has power to overwork the opponent to the core. When a student is involved with a team, they have the ability to do great things. Motor Skills, strategic thinking, and even math skills are learned by playing sports. Students develop strategic thinking as they figure out plays and the best way to get around a player or score a goal. Math skills are used as they calculate scores and…
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Sports are a good way to funding for schools while the budget now days are low. This helps people with their fitness by not engaging in risky activities or behaviors because it could interfere with the sport one plays. For example, drugs and personal effects that make one drop from school. Athletic sports helps people with their teamwork and cooperation. It helps with this because they’re all working towards a common goal, which could help them in their future career. Lastly. This could help them with their mindset to success. Sports could help them with their time management skills, finding new ways to improve, strong focus, handling pressure, and taking responsibilities.…
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Firstly, kids should play competitive sports because they learn essential life lessons. For example, autor Kristin Chessman quotes Jim Taylor, Ph.D and sports psychology author. "Kids learn essential life skills, such as hard work, patience, persistence, and how to respond positively to setbacks and failure," (Chessman). This way, kids who never give up on their dream will try harder to become successful. In addition, children learn how to work with different people with different personalities and strengths (Chessman). This is important because…
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