Paying so much for college can cause financial issues, even after you finished college. Other than just paying the tuition you also need to pay for supplies, school books, and rooms on campus or rent off campus. People have spend years trying pay off their books. About 23% of high school graduates don’t enroll to college because of their financial issues. Most well paying jobs are open to those who have a college degree. …show more content…
You don’t hear much of people with a bachelor degree being put into jail. 68% of people in jail don’t even have a high school diploma. Some may say people should just go to a college that is in their pricing range, however even a decent and a college with well education cost at least about $20,000. It’s hard to find a college with the education that you need at an affordable price. Especially if you going to college to study for high ranking occupations like becoming a doctor, lawyer scientist etc. In conclusion, college prices should be reduced so that more people could afford it for their benefits and the nation’s. If the nation had more people going to college we could create bigger things at a faster paste and become more powerful as a nation. The US tie’s in 9th place with at least 5 other countries in an IQ ranking, we could get better by having more educated people. All that could start just by lessening the prices of