There are lots of different diet foods that companies sell for cows. They make feed that is enough nutrients to keep them healthy which is what they only eat (Nasco). Farms sometimes use these. They make feed just to eat once a day to make them lose weight. This works but it is expensive compared to the farmers just using their own crops. They also make supplements to mix into the water that the cows drink. They have vitamins in them. There are lots of diet foods for cows but they can be unreliable and expensive. …show more content…
One way that they help the cows lose weight and look more lean is only feeding the cows straw. They get the necessary nutrients and feel full.The cows still get some treats. When we put the halter on her head to walk them they still get a treat that they really love it’s corn and pellets that is like candy to them. We do that so that they go into the halter. When fair time comes they get lots of beet plump that they love. It makes them look full and it’s not bad for them. It is a healthy way for cows to lose