
Why Did America Roll In Entering Ww2

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Why Did America Roll In Entering Ww2
How did America see its roll in entering and the ending of world war 1.
America during the first two years of world war one remained neutral. When the war broke out President Wilson presented congress with his explanation of why America should stay of the war. One of Wilson’s reasons for staying out of war was that Americans were made up of immigrants from all over Europe and including many of the countries who were now at war and there would be a variety of sympathy from everyone for different causes, therefore America would be best to protect its democracy and worldwide democracy and perhaps broker peace but most importantly stay neutral. America was not completely neutral though. In the first two years of the war, United States increases exports to France by four
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President Wilson runs for reelection in 1916 on the slogan “he kept us out of war”. America slows down its imports to Germany and increases its imports to the British and French. Germany warns the Americans that you can not remain neutral if you continue to export unproportionable amounts to its enemies. In May of 1915, the Lusitania a ship headed to England from NY with 200 American passengers and ammunition was bombed by a German U2 submarine. Americans were outraged and the public opinion quickly turned against Germany. The American government let the Germans know that you either stop unrestricted submarine warfare or we will break relations with you completely. The Germans accept the demand. Germany stopped unrestricted warfare. In January of 1917 the British intercepted a telegram sent from Germany to Mexico titled the Zimmerman telegram. The telegram proposed an alliance between Germany and Mexico against the United States that would lead to the return of lost Mexican land to Mexico. The telegraph was printed all over America and Americans were outraged. About the same time as the

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