References: Gates, L. (2011, March 11). capitalism/communism - History Discussion. Study Guides, Lesson Plans, Homework Help, Answers & More - Retrieved January 5, 2013, from…
From a Christian perspective, Marxist communism failed because of the atheistic qualities. Marxist communism didn’t allow people to practice their religious beliefs. Marx’s social system also wouldn’t allow people to take home their own earnings, making everyone have the same earnings, wiping out inequality (Stapleford, 2009, p. 62). “The weakening of property rights for the rich or the talented also endangers the property right of the remainder of society and undermines economic growth” (Stapleford, 2009, p. 62). The lack of economic growth is ultimately what led to Marxist communism failing.…
The introduction of collectivization and industrialization by Stalin were both supposed to end ideological compromise and come closer to Marxist theory. However, many historians have made it clear that these policies created a socialist Soviet Economy which was the opposite of Marx’s theory. State control of the economy was a key feature of Stalin’s totalitarian rule.…
Marx’s plan for reforming society may be more tangible than Kuyper’s, but his plan uses rather cruel and destructive tactics. For instance, Marx believes that the family has become an instrument of oppression and should be eliminated. Marx’s plan for consolidating the family directly contradicts biblical principles and is no less than an attempt to undermine God’s authority. Marx believes the family is merely a product of the class system and not a God ordained institution. Besides Marx’s cruel elimination of the family, his plan further feeds man’s greed and selfishness. Communism’s prohibition of private property claims to produce economic equality. However, this notion seems only to further feed man unhealthy relationship with the material world and denies God his rightful place of power. Without God’s moral authority, man is left to reshape society as he sees fit but at the cost of losing all that is good. After examining Marx argument, the idea of communism does not seem to present an effective solution for resolving poverty in either Marx’s day or in the twenty-first…
In 1917, Russia was crumbling into pieces. The World War I was draining all of Russia’s resources. There was shortage of food throughout the country, which left people starving. At the battlefront, millions of Russian soldiers were dying, they did not possess many of the powerful weapons that their opponents had. The government under Czar Nicholas II was disintegrating, and a provisional government had been set up. In November of 1917, Lenin and his communist followers known as the Bolsheviks overthrew the provisional government and set a communist government in Russia. However, in 1924, Lenin died and Josef Stalin assumed leadership of the Soviet Union, which was the name for the communist Russia. Stalin was a ruthless leader who brought many changes to the Soviet Union. Stalin’s goal was to transform the Soviet Union into a modern superpower and spread communism throughout the world, and he was determined to sabotage anyone who stood in his way. He used many methods such as collectivization, totalitarianism and five year plan’s to achieve his goals. Stalin’s rule brought both harmful and beneficial consequences to the Soviet Union; however, the negative factors were so terrible, that they overwhelm the positive factors.…
One of the primary principles of communist is that capitalism is characteristically awful and represented a risk to the common laborers. Meanwhile, “The capitalists believed there should be a free economy in which private individuals made most decisions” (Brookioh, 2012). The communists see every single entrepreneur country as conceivable foes. As indicated by them, capitalism will in the end crush itself and it is their obligation to help it along. They deny participation amongst themselves and capitalist countries ideologically.…
Stalinism, the term used to embody the form of government experienced by the Soviet Union under Stalin’s rule, had a significant and lasting impact on the USSR. Stalinism impacted on several aspects of life. Collectivisation was introduced which assisted in the funding of industrialisation, terror was used to create a communist state. Stalin centralised every aspect of life, from the single leadership of Stalin himself to party control of the state and its functions. Free will disappeared and service to the state was expected. Consequently a Stalinist state which had a major impact on the USSR was created.…
In its pure form, communism is a belief that private property should be replaced by community ownership. In the Soviet Union this idea was not easily accepted by the people. Russian leaders Vladmir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were ruthless in their elimination of those who had different ideas about Russia’s future. It is estimated that in the 1930s, Stalin was responsible for killing more than 10,000,000 Soviet people who he believe were in his way.…
Communism in this era was a fast growing idea that was becoming widely popular for many countries. Communism is the political theory and philosophy created by the ideas of Karl Marx. Believing the best type of society is where all property is publicly owned and every citizen is paid by their needs and abilities. This idea was the stronghold for Russia and pushed them into power, while on the other hand there was The United States. The United States preached democracy and capitalism two ideals that did not mix well with communist thought.…
Communism gives everyone equal opportunity to make money and create a self-sufficient nation, increasing a country’s overall employment and productivity. Furthermore with a larger workforce, a company can produce at a far more efficient rate in order to satisfy the needs of a growing market. In theory Communism provides the solution to all the economic, and social issues and divisions that create conflict within…
Communism has a beneficial core to its ideals, but in practice has been proven to lead to failure. Whether it was in Europe or North America, a part of the Bolshevik party or New Harmony, communism has been a failed system, and until it has been updated, it should be left behind in the history…
In The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, was the starting point for the ideology of communism. Karl Heinrich Marx, the “Father” of communism and the most influential socialist in the 19th century, collaborated with Friedrich Engels, a friend and partner, in order to create this (adjective) work. Both socialist, Marx and Engels believed “that private property caused inequality in society and that governments should control their nation’s economy so that the basic needs of people could be satisfied.” (Lansford 14)…
First of all, Communism is an economic-political philosophy developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the late 19th century. Sharing similar principals that “the social class system was what lead to exploitation of workers”, the worked together and published “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848. They feared that the exploitation of these working class people would eventually create a revolution against the bourgeoisie, who owned the labor power of the proletariat (Communism and Computer Ethics).…
Marxism and the ideals of the Communist Manifesto diffused during the twentieth century in a variety of similar yet differentiated ways. Marx, Engels, and Lenin's version of communism was created and seen as entirely equal in the proletarian class. China and the Soviet Union implemented these ideas of building a classless society destroying exploitation and the occurrence of equality amongst the people. Both of these nations adapted and differentiated these idea,s to their needs, this all lead to the slowing or breaking of their country economically, politically, and socially.…
Will Rogers once stated, “Communism is like prohibition; it’s a good idea but it won’t work.” Since it’s inception in mid 1800’s, Communism has been an idea that has had its ups and downs. Based on the idea of eliminating class antagonism, Communism is a synthesis of two separate entities. In a class system there exist owners and workers. Owners control the majority of the wealth and means of production. These persons were referred to as the bourgeoisie where as the workers, who only earned a small wage, were known as the proletariat. These two units can be seen as a thesis and antithesis, and by combining these two a synthesis, or in this case Communism, was created.…