If there was a possibility to go back in time and be part of history I would go back to Egyptian time. In the time of Egyptians, were ruled by a Pharaoh that command and controlled the people his way. By this being said the people (the Sumerians) who were slaves to do the hard work were the same people that lived on the other side of the land. Why would I go back in that time period? Well mostly because I always found Egypt and Egyptians really interesting and I think a lot about why we the people judge and undermine other people by how much money we have or how big our land is. My most asked question is why did they build, the pyramids and how after many years they haven't crushed or broken down? How is it possible for the pyramids to still be up? This since a kid made me think and want to know a little bit more about them. Over the years I haven’t really had a class that has taught, me anything about them. But with the help of discovery and a couple of books I learned a bit more. .. …show more content…
The Egyptian civilization was made by the Sumerians , they were the first groups to also develop a system of writing in 3000 B.C.
Everything that happened in the Egyptian period caused many things to exist now. But the Egyptians also in that period had trouble and problems trying to keep a good government system. I truly believe this was a caused by themselves with the rich undermining the poor. Why? Well, mostly because the poor had no rights to even have a decent job or earn enough money. The rich cared for only there people in how they dressed and on what they lived in. I find this to be very unfair and not the right thing they should’ve
done. Not only do I believe that this could have been prevented but they could’ve worked together to make it a peaceful empire and a wonderful lifetime. But going back to the pyramids and the way they built them, of course, the rich will not put their people to work so that is where the slaves come in and do all the work. The Giva pyramids were made from hand made limestone. Scientist says that the pyramids were made by man, but I on the other hand find it impossible for them to have made that. And why is it that any other stone or brick fades away and the pyramids haven’t?? Other than the pyramids I find this period to be cruel because of the fact that the sumerians separated themselves into two different classes. We the people now see the history of the past people and their mistakes, but we still manage to keep separating ourselves from the rich and the poor. Egyptian period should've been the end of a bad start and the chance for a new beginning but unfortunately we do otherwise. Rewriting my question, “If their was a possibility to go back in time and have the chance to at least make this world and the people in it realize we are just hurting ourselves with this class separation?”
I would do it..
I believe that Egyptian period would've been the start of a good peaceful life.