
Why Did Germany Enter World War 1 Research Paper

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Why Did Germany Enter World War 1 Research Paper
Germany’s violence early on in the war caused the United States to enter the war on the Allies side. President Wilson had tried to mediate between the two alliances but Germany did not accept this proposal. The Treaty of Versailles was fair to Germany because they ignored Wilson’s Call for Peace and Germany’s violent tactics called a need for the treaty to be made in order to end World War I.
President Wilson did not want the United States to enter World War I when it initially started because it was hardly affecting the United States. Germany began to bully Europe and this was hurting trade that America made with Great Britain and France. Wilson tried to mediate between the two alliances but failed. He presented his call for peace and Germany completely rejected it. Germany showed their rejection towards the plan by sinking all ships in British waters therefore continuing with unrestricted submarine warfare. President Wilson was appalled by the extreme measures Germany was taking and decided the United States needed to enter World War I on the Allies side.
Germany was bullying many European countries and the Treaty of Versailles was necessary to end the violence Germany caused. The
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The opposing side would argue that there were many other factors that helped contribute to World War I such as Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism, and the Alliance system and that all the countries were building up their Navy’s so Germany didn't have a choice. This is incorrect because Germany was among the first to build up their Navy which intimidated other countries like the United States, France, Italy, and Japan who felt that they now needed to build up their Navy’s. All these countries were intimidated and this led to them joining the arms race, creating mass military tension around the world, thus contributing to the start of World War

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