The Queen Liliuokalani have tried hard to avoid the true story behind the overthrow with her power she was to reject them. Although, she wasn’t able to handle all and soon she was unable to avoid anymore. While queen being weaker and weaker she have come up with an idea of collecting more voting rights by creating a new constitution. However, the plan was a failure and the annexation club have misunderstood her act as a revolutionary act which was a start of queen being imprisoned. …show more content…
They had a plan to annex the Hawaii as well and this is the another reason of queen losing its power. The Committee of Safety was a secret organization that was in support of the Hawaiian league. They lawlessly contributed to the overthrow because they lied to the Hawaiian government that they were against the annexation, and this is illegal. The committee lied in order to gain the trust of the government. Once the committee had the trust of the government, they had more rhetoric over the Hawaiian government. Also, the committee created the Bayonet Constitution, which was a constitution that rid the Hawaiian monarchs of most of their power. The Committee of Safety threatened King Kalakaua into signing the Bayonet Constitution using America’s military