With in this essay I will be using five main points; The Reichstag fire, the March 1933 elections, enabling law, night of the long knives and Hindenburg’s death, that helped Hitler become the dictator of Germany, to expand on why precisely he became dictator of Germany. In my opinion, from my five main points I think that the enabling act was the most significant reason why Hitler became a dictator because it allowed his ‘rise to power’ to begin. Within my essay, I will make slight comparisons to Mussolini, Italian, to analyse whether Hitler’s method of rising power were similar to his.
Reichstag fire
On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag was set on fire and burned. The Reichstag was the building where Germany’s Parliament gathered for meetings, it was also the heart of German politics and for some one to have burned it down would mean that they committed very high treason. The SA were first to the crime scene and arrested a man named Marinus Van der Lubbe, a young Dutch Communist, who was found with matches in his pockets, however even before the event, Marinus Van der Lubbe was heard boasting about how he had plan’s on burning down the Reichstag. He eventually confessed to having burned down the Reichstag, and was later executed. However there were suspicions about Hitler and the SA having started the fire and blamed it on Van der Lubbe and therefore resulting in a forced confession. Evidence of these suspicions was the fact that there was an underground passage that ran from the office of the SA to Reichstag, which would have given them easy access to the Reichstag with out being suspected and also the fact that the SA were the first ones to the crime scene. Nonetheless Hitler took the opportunity of this event to convince the public that this was the communists attempt to take control of the Reichstag. He therefore demanded for approval of an emergency decree, which was a regulation that suspended the