I think Hitler’s past life has a lot to do with the crimes he committed. Hitler’s childhood wasn’t very stable. Throughout his life he moved around with his family a lot making it hard for him to settle in. Overall Hitler was a pretty smart and clever kid, he got good grades but let himself go in 6th grade and failed. His emotions were definitely not right and the moving was obviously hard for Hitler to got through. Of course Hitler made the bad decision of dropping out of school at 16 and wanted to pursue his dreams of being an artist. While his dad wanted him to work for the …show more content…
He got rejected. Hitler felt like everything he hoped and dreamed for got crushed before his eyes. He decided to join the Army, I suspect he did this because he had no other choice. When Hitler went to ww1 and got temporarily blinded from a poisonous gas attack. They think it somehow went to his brain and caused him to become psychotic. Hitler lost a lot of money, fighting his way to survive. He got some help by finding and staying in a homeless shelter in 1909. Once he got enough money he moved into a very poor house with many poor men. I think all of this could of made him emotionally and maybe even physically unstable and shows how someone's childhood and dreams that have not been fulfilled can “break” someone.
Over his time trying to be in power and in power he did many cruel things. People have learned Hitler can be a very good “friend”. Of course Hitler attempted to go for president but was not the victor, Paul Von Hindenburg was. While Hitler was being a fake friends to chancellor