Komsomol- is an abbreviation for Young Communist League which consisted of fourteen to twenty-six year old people who are loyal to the communist party. The Komsomol were seen as the future of the communist party, they were also the beginning to every action in benefit the communist party. If a person was to insult or anything that would be considered to be against a member from the Komsomol part they were to be put in the Kolhosp Court.
The Harvest of 1932- The communist party announced that the farmers would be allowed to care for their land with advanced machinery, but most of the crop harvested would go to the state. During this harvest the farmers would receive two hot meals and two pounds of bread every day during the harvest, but were left with no wheat.
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Ukrainian farmers were successful and they produced enough food before the collectivization, but the efforts to impose the collective farm caused tremendous opposition from farmers that they slaughtered their livestock instead of giving it to the collective farm; they were not willing to work just for a daily ration of food for the worker. The land started to be useless and production of food became scarce, there was not enough production of food to satisfy the internal demand. Government demanded that farmers must fulfill their require quota of grains. Collective farm was the cause of the famine that killed millions of people during the time frame of 1932 through 1933; frozen bodies of dead persons were everywhere in Miron Dolot’s village, the great famine in Ukraine caused cannibalism among the village. The government did not do anything to control the famine; starving people were stopped from leaving their village to search for