
Why Did Joseph Stalin Want To Industrialize Russia

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Why Did Joseph Stalin Want To Industrialize Russia
As of 1927 Russia was vastly inferior to its neighboring countries industrially. With the ever growing fear of war, Joseph Stalin had to industrialize Russia and fast, or Russia was going to cease to exist. The result was the First Five Year Plan. In the communist government, a ministry was in charge of the execution of plans and there are t wo types of ministries. There was a sectoral ministry and a territorial ministry. The sectoral ministry was in charge of coal steel, textiles, aviation, and agriculture. The goal of the plan was to rapidly industrialize Russia in order to prepare for war, and in doing so a few things had to occur. Farms were a private industry, and in order for Russia to industrialize, there could be no private industry. …show more content…
The Five Year Plan rattled the agricultural sector while boosting production in the heavy industries, this caused industrial goods to increase in value while the value of agricultural products plummeted (Sergi 63). In order to counteract the imbalance but continue industrialization, the Russian government called for the industrial sector to lower production costs and increase productivity to offer a greater supply of cheaper goods (Filtzer 30). On average, industrial products were worth sixty-four percent more than agricultural products. The relative prices of industrial and agricultural products were moving in unfavorable directions, as a result of the fact that agriculture was producing less than the industrial sector (Allen 247) Another reason there was a decreased production of the crop was workers were taken from farms and put in factories. The workforce of farmers was shifted rapidly because of the rapidly industrializing economy and the push for increased production during these years. Before the shift of workers, there were no more than six million men and women working in the industrial sector (Blackwell 56). After the shift, these numbers rose dramatically. Secondly, there was a succession crisis that occurred during these times, disrupting the

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