Julius Caesar was a thoughtful general who knew how to conquer the land and the people for Rome. Julius Caesar went through numerous years of battle, making his way up the chain making way for more of Rome to be held by conquering lands year by year for the Romans to expand. This is on Julius Caesar and his conquests for Rome. Julius Caesar fought for Rome for many years, gaining many things for the Roman people to be in the end killed by the Senate in which they did not like his dictatorship. The battles of Julius Caesar that led him to where he ended, that shows the strength of him and his men.
First of all, this is an educational book with information of Julius Caesar’s conquests in
Battle. Specifically on page sixty-one in the book talks of the …show more content…
The section in the book is about the Gauls and the Germans.
This is what Julius Caesar went through, “There were many in the Province, both traders and chieftains alike, who spoke Latin and Gallic Caesar used these extensively, both in his audiences and in the exchange of compliments by messenger. But owing to his hurried arrival in the Province and the shortness of his sojourn there, he had not yet discovered whom it was wise to trust with secret matters.” ( pg.61 Coolidge) This excerpt from the book is talking of how Julius Caesar was very hurried and did not wait enough time to have someone set up that he could trust for the important matters in his life. Julius Caesar was as though in a blank because he could not speak to just anyone in this place. So Julius
Caesar was very weary on where he was and who he was surrounded by since his life involved a lot of Important matters that did not need to get to the wrong people. When rushing to another place it is hard for there to be trustworthy people there so Caesar is in a tight spot yet he always knows how to speak and please. Next, this is an article in an educational writing. It is written by Carroll Moulton