
Why Did Kennedy Use The Bay Of Pigs?

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Many decisions are not as simple as black and white. President John F. Kennedy and all of American were uneasy about having communists in their own backyard. News spread of Cuba building nuclear missile sites, and photos were taken of Soviet-built anti aircraft missile sites in Cuba. These missiles could strike at so little warning that it could destroy half the American Bomber force before it even got off the ground. America did not like communists because they aligned themselves with the Soviet Union who were building a hydrogen bomb just 90 miles away. This bomb was much more destructive than the Atomic bombs that fell on the Japaneses cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ending World War Two. First came the Bay of Pigs, then the Cuban Missile Crisis and Quarantine. Any decision the president made would affect his the safety of the country. Kennedy tried to use his power properly in hopes of helping the country but executed attempts poorly, such as the Bay of Pigs.
First of all, the decisions to setup a quarantine to prevent any offensive weapons reaching cuba did not the problem but byed time to come up wit a better solution. Kennedy was given many options that would further protect his country but choose with option 3 that could possibly makhsoom into World
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America wanted to overthrow Castro because he was communist and aligned himself with the soviet union inventing bombs to destroy America. The invasion failed because the fighters given enough support that would provide them with help that would win them the battle. The american fighters has a clear disadvantage despite being much bigger and stronger than cuba. The U.S. took time to train their fighters but somehow lost the battle in a span of 72 hours. Expressing American was not strong enough to overthrow a small island country turned America into even more of a target, regarding the hydrogen

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