He collected taxes without the consent of the estates general in order establish many things, fund a series of wars, build a bigger and stronger military and to build his palace, the Palace of Versailles, when it was built he insisted that the nobles spend more time there (Doc 2). This eventually led the nobles into debt because they spent most of their time and money at the Palace of Versailles. The nobles being in debt meant that they lost status and power, which ultimately fed the basis for the French Revolution. Document 3 states; “The aftermath of the revocation was disastrous for France. Many of those who abjured [gave up] their Protestant religion repented of their weakness.”(Doc 3) This demonstrates that the removal of the Edict of Nantes drove people insane because it granted the people France substantial rights, however when the rights were removed by Louis XIV people became infuriated, which is another reason to why the French Revolution occurred. Fundamentally, the actions that Louis XIV took had a great impact towards his people. His actions ultimately led the people of France initiate the French Revolution, which left France and its people at a vulnerable…
The 17th and 18th centuries were a period filled with nation building and expansion across the globe as extensive, and often overseas, holdings became an indicator of a strong and wealthy country in this politically competitive era. However, the extent of a ruler's control was not their only concern. Many monarchs throughout Europe took great initiative to consolidate and increase their power, building absolute monarchies in which they held absolute power. The pursuit of political absolutism frequently stemmed from past conflict involving the various monarchs and included practices such as increasing the authority and control over the nobility, building standing armies, and independently collecting funds, the manner of which were similar between many rulers. An increase in the subjugation and control of nobles is most evident in the reigns of Louis XIV of France as well as…
that their power was being taken away slowly he gave them positions in the army…
Louis XIV was one of France’s most effective and powerful monarchs. He strengthened his rule with a policy of absolutism. Where the king gained authority directly from God or the divine right to rule. There were no legal limits to the powers that the king could exercise, however, during his rule a monarch had certain influential groups of people who the king needed to negotiate and consult in order to establish an effective functioning government. Among these groups where the land owning nobility, royal officer nobles, the royal commissioners, the Catholic Church, the bourgeoisie and the peasants. More notably seen the King Louis XIV is regarded as the “sun king” because of the great grandeur he exemplified during his reign. The book, Louis XIV and Absolutism by William Beik, presents a balanced outlook into the first half of Louis’ rule in France and how he was able to use absolutism to solidify his reign.…
Louis XIV strove vigorously for supremacy in foreign affairs. He was to use his foreign policy to establish a universal monarchy for himself or alternatively to use it to secure natural frontiers for France thus improving its defenses. He worked successfully to create an absolutist and centralized state. During his reign Louis was involved in four major wars, some of which Louis may be accountable as the provocateur; however, I believe that mainly his motives were purely defensive. The war of Devolution served as a pretext which nettled him part of Flanders, although the Dutch then moved against him with the Triple Alliance. Louis was determined to crush Holland and this began the third of the Dutch wars, which depleted his treasury. Louis proved an incredibly extravagant spender, dispensing huge sums of money to finance the royal court. The following ten years the king limited his policies to diplomacy. Louis continued the nobility's exemption from taxes but forced its member into financial dependence to the crown and the provincial nobles also lost political power. Louis does have a genuine concern for his country and despite his dubious methods he does manage to secure the territories that he wishes to secure. He curtailed local authorities and created specialized ministries. Louis's grandson retained the Spanish throne but the war of Spanish Succession left France in great debt and a weakened military. Louis used the bourgeoisie to build his centralized bureaucracy. He illustrated new administrative methods to make him more in control. Louis's general Colbert worked to improve the French economy. Colbert worked to create a favorable balance of trade and increase France's colonial holdings. He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy. He reduced the national debt through more efficient taxation. His principal taxation devices included the aides, the douanes, the…
King Louis XIV was a man of strength and courage with many ambitions that he was fully determined to achieve. He dedicated most of his rule taking steps to accomplish the goal of “one king, one law, one faith” for the country of France. By one king he aimed for the ruler to have supreme power over armies, government bureaucracy, and culture. This would eventually lead to the overall influence of the French upon other countries and their kings. By way of one law he aspired for the nobles to no longer rule over separate states but for one government with supreme power. King Louis had a desire for an absolute monarchy. As a result he would not be legally bound by any institutions or other persons in the country. This inclination was not easily met or as successful as he had hoped. Louis XIV sought religious unity between the French people, one faith. To do this he revoked the Edict of Nantes. King Louis XIV did not achieve his entire goal to the extent which he had anticipated but overall he was victorious, leaving a huge impact and influence on the French society and Europe as a whole.…
After he took power, Louis XIV made the nobility tax exempt, so the heavy burden of the taxes lied on the peasants, which made their already hard lives even tougher. In document 3, it explains how Louis XIV keeps his courtier in line so that they stay diligent in pleasing him. The documents also depicts his oppressiveness, stating that Louis XIV had many spies that tattled on anyone of any class which ruined the person’s life since the king was a prejudice who did not bother to ask for explanations. Other cruel changes he made during his rule was revoking the Edict of Nantes, which tolerated the Huguenots in France and gave them religious rights. In place of the Edict of Fontainebleau, which allowed the destruction of all Protestant churches and schools throughout France. During the War of the Spanish Succession, Louis XIV prioritized his personal interests above his country’s because he wanted to insure his grandson's, Philip V, right to inherit the Spanish Empire. The war weakened France and situated the country in a huge financial debt, which was blamed on Louis XIV. This shows his views on how to be a proper role of an absolute monarch; apparently, you can do whatever you want since you hold the power and as long as you keep those who have the ability to rebel under control. It also implies that his views are that…
Louis XIV was the epitome of an absolute monarch. Through his endless wars, extreme extravagance, and absolute control over taxes and the economy, he set the example for other European powers. His absolute rule brought about both positives and negatives. By building a large army to defend and expand his borders, he alienated other empires and created enemies. Placing political power and faith in the nobility helped him rule a vast kingdom but displaced him from the common man. His obsession with being a great conqueror expanded France to its largest in history, but nearly bankrupted the country and resulted in losing more territory than he gained. Although Louis XIV brought many improvements to France, as well as western society, his insatiable lust for war and extravagance caused more harm than good to the French Empire.…
King Louis XVI was in power during the revolution, he was thrown into this position when King Louis XV attempted to flee the country. Extravagant spending by the king’s father left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. Unrest among the peasants knowing there situation, were not willing to support the feudal system any longer. When the three states assembled, they imposed heavy tax increases, which were approved by Nobility and Clergy. This left the country in flames, while the taxes did not provide relief, the French Revolution was created.…
Louis XIV managed to improve France’s disorganized system of taxation and limit formerly haphazard borrowing practices.…
King Louis XIV famously declared, “I am the state,” and there is no question that he identified himself as the sole ruler of France. During the so-called Sun King’s absolute monarchy, the nobility had little or no role in or control over the French government. Instead, King Louis built the glamorous palace at Versailles and invited members of the nobility to live on the palace grounds. Most didn’t pay taxes and led an indulgent lifestyle but with no political influence. Most of King Louis’s reign was spent fighting foreign wars that also kept the nobles occupied as soldiers. The French nobility retained their status in high society under King Louis XIV but were never given the powerful political titles that were reserved for men of great intelligence.…
Louis XIV stressed the five major factors of absolutism were as follows: the King must be God-like, king must be in control, King must be the wealthiest, that conformity ( the idea of converting mass population from one religion to another) be implemented, and the King must have a strong military. These are the 5 rules of absolute monarchy. So it would seem that Louis XIV did believe in absolute monarchy as his reign was exactly that. He alone a was the ruler with absolute control over the entire country, and its economy. He had an advisor, but he mostly just made sure that the money was in order and everybody supported Louis. Being heavily Catholic, Louis forced Catholicism onto those who weren't. He expressed himself as the self-proclaimed…
Louis XIV had complete absolutism because he had the divine right to rule. He thought god single handedly chose him to rule over france.Every finance,graces of any type,ect had to go thru him and had to get his approval and so he knew everything that was going on. He also had no checks and balances…
Louis XIV is famous for his autocratic way to deal with outside strategy. In 1667, he propelled the attack of the Spanish Netherlands, regarding it his better half's legitimate legacy. The War of Devolution, as the contention was named, kept going a year and finished when the French surrendered and gave the land back to Spain. France's just victory was to possess a couple of towns in Flanders.…
King Louis XIV left France with an enormous pile of debt to be paid due to his luxurious life style, countless wars, and much more. From there, when Louis XVI reigned during those years, there was huge upset throughout the whole county because the debt only began to increase more than ever because the constant involvement of more wars and unnecessary spendings. The only way in King Louis’ mind to clear some of the debt was to tax the people of France. When he proposed the idea of increasing the tax system many were against it. When the countless taxes were given out the burden of paying them were towards the Third Estate. The Third Estate paid all of the taxes all the way from the church taxes to salt taxes. On the other hand, the First and Second Estates, were exempt from taxes and had no obligated dues directed towards the country of France. The only “burden” they had was to support the Old Regime and the monarchy of course. It was clear that the tax system needed a rapid change but the church and nobles rejected that idea. They rejected the concept because to them, being taxed would have been something they would label as unethical but it was fine if the taxes were directed towards the Third Estate. “The distribution of the tax burden was only part of the problem. In particular, the administration of direct and indirect taxes was both inefficient and corrupt” (Price…