“Nokia failed in connection to people!!”
One of the reasons for Nokia failure is on one side that Apple redefined smartphones with touch screen and Blackberry with email the other side, Android proved that software matters more than hardware. Nokia couldn’t success to respond to these trends. In 2008, brands like Samsung, HTC, and Sony found roots to extend their market. When every manufacturer …show more content…
Microsoft bought Nokia for $ 7.2 billion just over a year. Microsoft has decided to shut down Nokia and it now has the officially name of the “Microsoft Mobile”. So, actually well-known company remains in Finland, but it functions as a Microsoft subsidiary.
Why Nokia failed?
Nokia was the only brand (popular) I heard when I was child and that continued for many years. But, what happened to the one of the biggest and most famouse mobile over these years? What made such a popular manufacturer fail? Where does the failure exist? Is it with their marketing strategy? Let's have a look.
Nokia was once a king in mobile market, but years later, it is now a maybe bad in the market and is still down. According to my opinion Nokia fells behind the other manufacturers, for many reasons. Some of them are:
Even Nokia was been market leader for over a decade, Nokia didn't have plan for the future. It seemed a bit complacent with its products. When Apple the first touch phone, Nokia was still riding in its E-series by when the definition of smartphone has undergone a tremendous change. That was least expected from the pioneer in the smartphone